Please create a single zip file that includes:
- Final camera-ready .pdf version of your revised paper
- All source files (.tex-files or Word-files)
- Scanned and signed Springer copyright form. You can download it here
and send it via email to [email protected] as an attachment, using the subject “Camera ready for paper [INSERT YOUR PAPER ID]”.
Please send the .zip archive via email also in case you have already uploaded a .pdf version of your camera-ready paper.
Your camera-ready paper shall comply with the Springer LNAI/LNCS format.
for guidelines and templates. It is the Authors’ responsibility to make sure their camera-ready papers are in the correct format from all standpoints. Note that failure to comply with the LNAI/LNCS format may result in our incapability to include the paper in the Proceedings (bear in mind that the schedule for completing and publishing the Proceedings is very tight).
Please note that EARLY REGISTRATION (either “regular” or “online”) by Sept. 4, 2022, is mandatory for the inclusion of the paper in the workshop program and proceedings. Registration is open at
If you experience any further difficulties, feel free to contact the ANNPR 2022 organizers ([email protected]).